If you're a solar COMPANY OWNER WHO’S looking for high quality solar leads that have a show rate of more than 75% then this video is for you
The best part is that it's actually 100% free You can generate unlimited amounts of high-quality leads
This is the exact same process that we've installed in more than 80 plus clients in about 23 states in the U.S. alone Hello everyone My name is Bassal Malik
and I run infinitum media and we basically are a solar lead-generation and appointment setting company And the reason for making this video is because chances are you probably have bought leads before from companies you know who sell aged leads who sell leads that have been utilized like a million different times
Additionally maybe you've ran ads on Facebook or YouTube or other social media platforms or you may have gotten some really great leads in the start
You've closed the deals but at the end of the day what happens is that you're competing with everyone else and what happens is that when you're competing and you've got them like the cream of the crop you close the deals then you have to run like some crazy offers like free solar rebate programs and all that jazz just to get the attention
And what happens is when you get those kind of leads it's really hard for you to actually convert them
So you try to keep yourself you try to cheapen your services as much as you can and at the end of the day you're left with very much less profits because you're getting commissions with solar reps your CAC - (Customer acquisition cost) starts to go up because there's just less opportunity in the market
Everyone is going for the same leads You start to ponder like what's the next thing that you have to do? You may then go to other agencies or you know other people who are selling leads and appointments maybe in the groups or websites and things like that And you buy buy aged leads trying to lower your CAC - (Customer acquisition cost) at the end of the day it just doesn't work because then again they're all shared leads
So what I'm about to show you is how you can get exclusive leads for yourself that are not accessible by your competitors Absolutely For free So buckle up and let's get into it
It's divided into four different steps I'm going to walk you through how it exactly works and so that you know you can utilize that within your own company
Okay All the steps are listed here as well so you can visit and I'll have a link below as well so you can just click and watch You know what are the four different processes
So just to kind of give you an idea what kind of results you can get with these leads So this is one of our client we’ve work with He had 44 sit’s with these exact leads and he got about 12 deals out of it and then one of our client he got about 18 sit’s and closed four deals out of it and one of our client you know we've been working with them for more than a year now
They got 16 sit’s that closed four deals out of it And another client you know he got 14 sit’s and he got four deals closed out of that and another client of ours got 13 sit’s and he closed three deals out of it So these are actually cold leads they're you know that you're generating But the way you generate them they're actually people who are desperately in need of solar
They're desperately in need to reduce their electricity bills You just have to find them
And the best thing is your competitors don't know about it so you can just go crazy with it
So without any further ado let's get into the process Let me explain how it works Kind of also make you understand a little bit of the psychology as well why we are doing things the way we are doing
So I'll be explaining you during this video so make sure you watch this video until the end
so let's say that I want to target the market let's say my market is Sacramento California Right What I want to do is I want to go and find and write this exact statement Average electricity bill for a single family home in Sacramento California based on home size
All right So now you will know what is the average electricity bill but more importantly you will get the square footage of the house like how much the average electricity bill you know someone is paying for this square footage So for example you know anyone who has a house of 2000 square feet to 1500 square feet in Sacramento California they will be paying any offer from $120 to $280 Now in California we know anything about 150 is a good fit
We know that our baseline for getting a lead should be a house that is at least a minimum of a 1500 square feet size right now Once you know that a house which is at least 1500 square feet is a good fit for you because they're paying around $80 to $240 at least this is you know anything about 150 in California is a good fit what you're going to want to do is then go on So you go on and then you go in search and you simply just put in your area over here you just simply write Sacramento California
Now you have you know your these are all the homes that are within Sacramento California But what you have to make sure is that you select sold here okay Not for sale for rent just sold these are houses that have already been sold They're not on the market They're sold So now we have about 21.464 properties Single family homeowners That could be a good fit for solar
But we're not going to just stop here What we're going to do is we only want single family homes So we're going to click here and deselect all and only click houses and now we apply now we have 17.422 leads but still we still want to further you know filter out and get the best quality leads that we know could be a great fit for solar and actually tired of paying high electricity bills So what we're going to do is go for a minimum of 1500 square feet of our house Okay now why are we doing that again?
Someone is paying about $180 to $240 for a house That's at least a minimum 1500 square feet So now as you can see just in Sacramento California we have 8201 homes that are at least that we know from the averages that they would be paying more than $180 Okay
And someone also has bought a house for $815,000 they're paying mortgage on it I can bet you to the bottom dollar there they have a 650 plus credit score
So now you're getting leads that already have a 650 plus grade score and they are paying more than $150 electricity bills already So they could be a great fit for solar
Okay Now what you're going to want to do is you basically have to copy the address from here the property address Okay And you have to just simply create a sheet so you go on Google Sheet You enter in there the header's there address owner name ,phone email relative and relative number And you can even have you know much more information like square footage and whatnot
But I'm just for the for the purpose of this video because like I don't want this video to be a two hour long video So I just have this information what you're gonna do is you want to paste that information over here the property address now this is one lead Now it's just the property address
You obviously need to contact the owner Their phone number everything to you know establish content actually pitch solar to them Now what you want to do is go on a website called and you want to go on address search and you just want to paste the address over here and you will have and you want to paste this information over here the city state and the zip code and the street address Okay So once you do that now you click search Voila Now you have information about this house
Everything is already there year it was built so you already know it's built in 2023 They already have a qualified roof so you don't even have to worry about Roof It's going to It's going to qualify for you Okay The next thing that you want to do is you want to find the owner The age over here is 23 so they most likely may not be a you know the owner but I mean they can be owner It's you never know So what you want to do and how you find that out is basically let's say that you go here and click view details
And again it's common sense like you know this seems like this whoever she or he is is a kid of this person So you want to click view details and you want to match the address where they're living right now with this address Okay This address right 3706 haymaker and let's go below and see So again it's the same as so their current address it's 3706 Haymaker Way it's the same address
We just copied that we got from Zillow okay So for this house so awesome So now what we have here is the homeowner and his name is Sebastian Anthony Latu or whatever the name is So now we're going to paste over here Okay So now we have their owner name now we got to find the phone number
The great thing is it's already there Okay So this is actually your primary phone number which is wireless which is a mobile phone so this is their direct number you can also have their landline You know if you want to talk to their spouse you can get landline You can have all these numbers You can actually copy both of these numbers So just so that if they're not available at one number you can call the other number and you can establish contact for them Okay So let's just have phone 2 here this is phone one and we'll go ahead and copy I only do wireless numbers because these are direct numbers for these homeowners
So I don't want to you know go on landlines or talk sports or whatnot I'll talk to the sand maker
Now additionally if there's an email you know that's a great thing you get you can email marketed them You can upload that audience on Facebook and targeted ads and what not You know you can also take this information upload on Facebook or other media platforms and just run target ads But again if you're low on budget simply just call them and book appointments you know pitch solar book appointments You already know that they're paying high electricity bills over $50 As we've done our research we found out any house that is over 1500 square feet
is paying you know more than $150 in electricity bills So now we've also got their email address I probably will be blurring out this information just so that you know I don't get into legal trouble or anything like that So once I've done additional what I'm going to do is again I'm going to scroll below and here you can see Kerry Latu And you know their relative information as well
Now at this stage what you have is property address the owner name their phone number their both phone numbers their email their wife and their number as well And now you have a lead So all you have to do is call them and pitch them But additionally because of doing all of this research and finding these people from Zillow you already know that these guys are paying more than $150 in electricity bills and they would most definitely have a 650 plus credit score Now what we do in step two is basically you know we marketed these people
we cold call them we reach out to them and then find out if they're actually paying high electricity bills which is above $150 And if they have a 650 plus credit score and if they would be interested in reducing their electricity bills
The good thing is that these guys since they're not signing up on different websites and different platforms and different ads they're not bombarded with calls So they're actually receptive to your call that you're doing or at least listen to you And they're not window shopping so you don't have to go crazy And plus these leads are really high quality and they're free You know they have bigger houses they can easily afford solar they're paying high electricity bills The house was built in 2023 so the roof condition is going to be good enough
You can actually take this information and go on project sunroof with Google to actually also see that you know what kind of sunlight it receives over the course of a year Like what this property you know how much savings they can have You can just simply enter this information here click check my roof
You can even send this report to them that they can have $11,000 in savings just to build rapport with them Right So let's say that they're paying we know that they're paying more than 150 so let's say 175 Now they can save $25,000 in their electricity bills and you can simply take a screenshot And while you're talking to the customer you already have their email You can send them this information and nurture them And this can become like a really great lead for you It tells you about you know what kind of a system it's going to go So you can also calculate your commissions and everything
So again you know this is where you basically you monitor them you send them reports you talk to them
you see if they’re interested in reducing the electricity bills If they are then what we do is step three that you obviously you will be doing yourself is you set the appointment you know again through this data That's the beauty of it you know You get really high quality leads You already know their roof is good enough for solar They're paying high electricity bills they have a 650 plus credit score
They are single family home owner All you got to do is just get on the phone If they're interested in reducing their bills you can just set the appointment with them talk to them and just reconfirm all these details If they actually are paying more than $150 electricity bills and they have 650 plus credit score get their electricity company name That's what we do And then you go out and book an appointment with them
Again this is a simple video You guys can just simply go in your areas do the filters and just simply generate as many leads as many unlimited leads as you really want Absolutely For free And these are really high quality leads Now this is exactly the same process that we use every single day in our business to help you know more than 80 plus clients to get them appointments every single day And with a show rate of more than 75% and our show rate is more than 75% because we have a quality assurance team as well It sets the appointment and it follows up with them Ask them if they're still interested If they're not interested we drop them and we don't move forward with them We only move forward and send the appointments to customers who reconfirm the appointment and say that they're actually motivated to go solar
Those are the ones we send to our clients But you can deploy this same cadence within your business The best thing is like it's going to reduce your customer acquisition cost It's going to be more consistent You can get leads coming in every single day You won’t to have to chase every other day someone trying you know trying to sell you bad leads or bad data and whatnot Okay Now one thing that I wanted to mention
if you're a solar company and probably you have a team of solar reps or and you need a whole bunch of leads and a whole bunch of appointments then we have our Infinitum Media our data software So what we have done with our Infinitum Media data software is we've actually automated this entire process And since we produce more than 25 30,000 appointments we actually know which are the leads that actually convert which are a good fit which actually show up
So once we generate this data we can match the existing data that we have to the new data that we generate to kind of find similarities between the leads who could be a great fit So if you guys are interested by the way that you know we help you deploy this entire process and generate appointments for you literally on steroids we can definitely help you out with it Just click the button below Just reach out to us on our website It's I'll have the link below Or you can just simply
schedule a call with one of our teammates and we can take it from there Okay So I do hope that this video was helpful for you you know at the end of the day it's about taking action So go ahead and take action I'll see you on the other side