In this post, we’ll talk about one of the worst feelings of cold email campaigns.
NO Replies! Alas...
So, you create a bunch of domains, setup email accounts, get your accounts warmed up and your leads cleaned.
You shoot up a campaign – hundreds of emails sent....and now keep glued to your monitor, refresh your email and check spam boxes “to see if replies mistakenly ended up there”
But nothing...crickets...hopelessness lurks! All that hard work gone down the drain.
But is it? The beauty of cold email is that fixing it is very simple
It’s either the SCRIPT or the OFFER. So, Let’s fix it!
If you haven’t read my post on how to get started with cold email and get clients in any niche, read it here -->
Let’s tackle the script first, because it’s something you can do very quickly and see ROI on your emails coming in quick.
If you’re not receiving replies chances are, your script maybe too long, too boring or doesn’t address the problem your prospect is facing
To know how to find deep rooted pains of your prospect that doesn’t let them sleep at night...check the previous post above 👆
Script too long: Your script might be too long, because when you’re writing you might be biting your nails thinkin...
”ooh, this point is actually important, and let me add that one too, make sure I don’t miss that one, and ughh I have to add this CrAzY OfFer in too...and did I add those testimonials, or the reviews, should I not add 5 testimonials”
If that’s the case you’re probably thinking too hard and taking it too seriously.
Cold email is all about rapid testing to see what script works.
As a best practice I always recommend your script should be read in less than 30 can check out how long it takes to read your email here ->
You’re reaching out to busy business folks; they don’t have the time to do the forensic analysis of your site and each and every word you uttered.
They are focused, going about their business, your email should be able to catch their attention, deliver your offer quickly, validate you as a business and give them an easy way reply you”
That’s why I never add calendar links in email. I always ask them to just type in a day/time that works”
So keep your email less than 30 secs, one case study is more than enough, make sure you hit them where it hurts and give them an easy way to reach you and you’re out.
Too boring: Your email could probably be the 11th solicitation they’re reading today. Sometimes you just have to be different to stand out.
Break the pattern, decent humour works, for e.g., as a follow-up you can send them something like this 👇
How can it be?! How could FIRSTNAME resist the urge to respond to my completely unsolicited sales message? Ahhh Ha! S/he must not have received it. That must be it. I’ll send a friendly follow up…”
Doesn’t address the problem: This is a difficult one...but absolutely figureoutable (that’s a word...I swear.)
Again, you have to read part 1 of this post but in your research, you can ask just 4 questions to figure out the pain (summary)
Ask these questions to anyone in your niche and you will know what their pain is...but if you can just add one last piece to it, which is to ask them for money to solve the problem
Then the real objections/pains will come out and that will help you Mold your script to attack their pain while addressing their biggest objections.
This will also help you make a great offer and with that let’s tackle the offer problem
Your Offer is basically how you solve the problem.
Offer takes more time to change, since it may require you to even change your business model
For e.g., if you’ve been getting a lot of objections regarding upfront payments, and the industry is notorious for upfront payments with bad results then you might want to change your offer to a performance based one.
If I generate appointments and get paid upfront, I can easily be different and beat the competition by going with a pay as you go model
So, my offer would be, no upfront cost, pay as you go, when you get an appointment and confirm it only then we’ll run your payment method.
Much more scalable, way more replies you’ll get and easy to close clients. (I’ve personally had 15-min call closes)
*Warning: When doing this, ensure your operations can support it. I did it in a new niche, signed a bunch of contracts, and wasn’t able to fulfill demand”
That’s why I said you might need to change your business model to be able to support it.
Other ways you can do it is by adding urgency, scarcity and guarantees.
Urgency: This is a black Friday offer and ends this Monday.
Scarcity: We work exclusively with one client per city to not cannibalize our own clients, reserve your area by replying to this email.
Guarantee: We promise X in Y days or we’ll work for free
Urgency, scarcity, and guarantees work but only if they are real...people can see through smoke and mirrors these days, especially when everyone is using similar try to differentiate your urgencies and scarcities and provide a logic for it.
P.S. If you change your business model because of an offer that you can create that no one else is offering, always target bigger fish in the pond because you won’t need many clients to scale up, and importantly, they won’t malpractice and would really make it worth your time and risk